Here to Serve You!

More than a School … a Mission!

The School of Christian Herbalism was founded by Christian Herbalist, Artist, and Pastor Vas Avramidis, CHGe. It is his vision to help begin a revival in the healing herbal arts by providing a high quality education in holistic herbalism from a Christian perspective. (See full bio & credentials below.)

After studying herbalism at a variety of schools, it became a clear that there was a pressing need for a school that taught herbalism from a Christian worldview. Countless Christians like yourself have expressed a need for an herbal school that didn’t promote pagan and new age worldviews. In response, Vas Avramidis founded the School of Christian Herbalism.

The school not only aims to help you master the art of herbalism without compromising your deeply held Christian beliefs, but also in equipping you to become a missionary within the field. Paul wrote: “We have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10.4-5

This is the ultimate purpose behind the School of Christian Herbalism. To take holistic herbalism back, demonstrating that our God is the Creator, Healer, and Preserver of all things … herbs included!

Christ creating the plants .:. School of Christian Herbalism
Christ creating the plants .:. School of Christian Herbalism

Bio Vas Avramidis, CHGe

Avramidis has been studying the holistic arts for nearly twenty years. In addition to studying herbalism and holistic health, Vas Avramidis holds degrees in Fine Arts, Visual Studies, and Christian Theology. Avramidis has also spent time living an Eastern Orthodox Monastery and studying ancient spirituality, world religions, and philosophy. He has a strong passion for shining the light of Christ into the dark places, and for being a healing presence in a broken world.

  • Christian Community Herbalist, CHGe
  • Acute Austere Emergency Herbal Medicine – Herbal Medics Academy
  • Holistic Pharmacology for Herbalists – Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism
  • Clinical Herbalism – Herbal Academy of New England
  • Vitalist Herbal Practitioner – School of Evolutionary Herbalism
  • Materia Medica – School of Evolutionary Herbalism
  • Nature’s Pharmacy Intensive – Practical Primitive
  • Wildcrafting & Foraging Intensive – Practical Primitive
  • Psychological Herbal Assessment – Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism
  • Introduction to TCM – Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Introduction to Herbalism – Herbal Medics Academy
  • Basic Nutrition – Stanford University
  • Plant Based Nutrition Certificate – Cornell University
  • Field Botany – Duke Farms
  • Diploma in Theology – St. Elias School of Orthodox Theology
  • BA Visual Studies – SUNY
  • AFA Studio Arts – Raritan Valley College
Mothers of Medicine: Saints Philonella, Hermione, and Zenaida
Christ creating the plants .:. School of Christian Herbalism