Christian Herbalism School
Holistic Herbalism without Compromise
Finding the right herbalism school can be frustrating. Especially when you value your Christian faith. The majority of herbalism schools promote new age, pagan, and eastern worldviews. Many are also hostile towards Christianity. What is a Christian who wants to study herbalism to do? The School of Christian Herbalism has the answer.
You shouldn’t have to compromise your deeply held faith in order to become an herbalist. Nor should you have to hide it. You no longer have to! At the School of Christian Herbalism you will grow in faith and skill as a holistic herbalist.

Taking Every Thought Captive
Paul said: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10.4-5
God created the earth and all its healing plants. Therefore, as a Christian, you are the rightful heir to the healing power of nature. It is your birthright. For too long, Christians have allowed neo-pagans, and new age practitioners to co-opt our rightful inheritance as healers. But as Paul says, Christians must take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. This includes herbal medicine.
The School of Christian Herbalism will help you to take holistic herbal healing back and make it obedient to Christ. At the School of Christian Herbalism you will learn holistic herbal medicine from a Christian perspective.

High-Quality Herbal Education
Regardless of which program you enroll in, you will receive a high-quality education in holistic herbalism. Whether you desire to be a family herbalist or begin a career as a clinical herbalist, you will find a program that will equip you with all the knowledge you need to take your practice to a higher level.
You will learn how to:
- Understand herbs on a deeper level.
- Assess constitutional imbalances.
- Use the right herbs or lifestyle factors to restore clients to optimal health.
- Understand the theology of illness and healing.
- See the person as whole rather than a collection of symptoms.
You will not learn any one-size-fits-all approaches. True holistic herbalism is individualized. It is personal. Hippocrates said: it is more important to understand the person who has the disease, the disease that the person has.
At the School of Christian Herbalism, you will learn to know the person, and get to the root of their imbalance. A symptom is merely a sign of a deeper imbalance.
Find the right course for you!
Foundations in Christian Herbalism
If you want a deep and comprehensive education in Christian holistic herbalism, this course is for you. Over 50 hours worth of lectures in this course.
Click here to enroll now!
Level: Beginner to intermediate
Tuition: from $244/month
(4 Monthly Payments)
Total: $879
Receive 20% OFF with the discount code: DANDELION
Materia Medica Herbal Monograph
Gain a deeper understanding of the properties, uses, energetics, and history of each herb. Get over 45 minutes worth of information on each herb covered.
Click here to be put on the waiting list!
Level: All
Tuition: from $24.88/month
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Course is opening soon!
Christian Family Herbalist
Learn to help your family, friends, and community by using simple holistic herbal practices. This course is the perfect introductory course in holistic herbalism
Click here to be put on the waiting list!
Level: Beginner
Tuition: from $24.88/month
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Course is opening soon!

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Study online from anywhere in the world. Courses enrolling now! Sign up today!
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Join us to create a life of abundance, joy, and beauty through the power of Christian holistic herbal arts.
Enroll in the School of Christian Herbalism to receive a high quality, in depth education in the Christian Herbal Arts at an affordable price.